What to expect.

Although we are a friendly and welcoming church, we realise that coming along to a new place for the first time can be daunting. At St Andrew’s we want to help make your first experience a great one. On this page you will find information that will help you to plan your first visit with us.

  • There is no dress code. Please come as you are.

  • Our service lasts for around an hour. We sing together, pray together, and hear what God has to say to us from the Bible.

  • During the service, primary aged children attend our Sunday school (S.M.A.S.H). Secondary aged children stay in for the service. A crèche is available for babies and toddlers if required.

  • After the service, there is plenty of opportunity to chat to others as tea, coffee and refreshments are served in our hall.

  • We have a minibus available for anyone who would like to be picked up. Please contact us to arrange that.


Visit Us

St Andrew’s is located off the Rosetta Road. To visit us, please drive through our gate and follow the road to the car park. From there, a white door will be open for you to enter and exit the building. A member of our welcome team will be there to greet you as you arrive.

Rosetta Road

11am - Morning Worship

7pm - Prayer Gathering (first Sunday of each month)

7pm - Evening Worship (third Sunday of each month)
